Are you challenged with the task of finding interesting curriculum to keep your students motivated during their lessons? TakeLessons guitar teacher Lisa T., who is based in the Chicago area, has some teaching tips for those who want to create an engaging and fun lesson experience for their students.
If you’re looking for a unique approach to teaching your students and you don’t want to use store-bought materials, you always have the option of creating your own curriculum. The advantage of creating your own curriculum is having the freedom to enhance or modify what you are teaching as you go along. Once created, the curriculum can be used over and over again, tweaking where needed.
So how can you develop a good curriculum? The first thing you should do is define your objectives for your student. Once your objectives are clear, you can start thinking about how you will get there. Measuring your success through defined goals such as tests, practice charts and student feedback is also important.
When defining your objectives, ask yourself the following questions:
–What will the student accomplish during this lesson?
–To what specific level (i.e. 80% accuracy) will the student be able to perform a given task?
–How will the student show that they understood and learned the goals of your lesson?
–Are there any specific modifications that need to be made in order for your student to be successful?
–What tools (both formal and informal) can be used to assess the student’s progress? These can include practice charts, motivational charts, skill builders and recitals.
These are just a few suggestions for successful lesson planning. Start with a clearly defined goal and track your progress along the way to ensure you achieve the desired results for both yourself and your student. Good luck!
–Lisa T.
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